Seeking Bimaadiziiwin
Public viewing rights for purchase or rent
A short documentary about youth suicide and harm reduction through the celebration of traditional knowledge and beliefs.
Up Next in Public viewing rights for purchase or rent
Sharing Tebwewin
“Sharing Tebwewin” (Sharing the Truth) is a 30-minute educational documentary designed to help health workers become more “culturally competent” in their work with Indigenous people.
Northern Grown
A documentary about a region where where farms were carved out of the Boreal Forest. Unlike the Canadian Prairies or the Niagara region, producing food in Northwestern Ontario requires a special kind of farmer.
Big Blue Row - Angela Madsen
Angela Madsen, a Paralympian, died 20 June 2020 while attempting to row from California to Hawaii. This film was shot after she had successfully captained Big Blue with a 16 member crew across the Atlantic in 2011. Find out what motivated her and what her challenges were.